
Turkish Competition Board has announced its decision on the fast moving consumer goods sector

Turkish Competition Board has announced its final decision regarding the investigation into some undertakings that are manufacturers/suppliers and retailers operating in the fast moving consumer goods sector.

In this decision, * in the case of some undertakings, agreements or concerted actions in the "collect-distribute cartel" feature violate Article 4 of Law No. 4054, *with regard to some undertakings, within the framework of the general principle of law "ne bis in idem", it was determined that there was no place for the imposition of a new administrative fine, *for some of them, since there was not enough evidence of the violation, there was no place for the imposition of an administrative fine, *on the other hand, as stated in the decision, some suppliers violated Article 4 of the Law No. 4054 by determining the resale prices of the undertakings operating at the retail level.

As a result, the Board decided to impose an administrative fine of 878 million Turkish Liras on 13 supplier companies within 60 days of the notification of the reasoned decision, with a judicial remedy open in the Ankara Administrative Courts.